Explaining how the eBay website works and the benefits of shopping from the eBay official site.
eBay website
eBay is the # 1 online auction platform on the Internet; It acts as a mediator between the seller and the buying party, in addition to providing an open space for anyone who wants to offer goods for sale, or search for goods to buy, knowing that eBay owns its electronic currency service, which is called PayPal.
Establish an eBay official site
eBay was launched in 1995, and it was operating under the name Auction-web, then it was later changed to eBay after it developed, and today the volume of its business reaches 40 billion dollars, while eBay is distinguished from other retailers' websites spread around the world with the bidding system, As it does not only play the role of mediator between the parties.
How eBay works
The principle of the eBay website is based on the auction system in the process of linking the seller and the buyer, as the seller displays his goods for sale, with a good description attached, and it is possible to include pictures or videos as desired, and then the participants begin to bid on the products until The largest number is reached, so that the sale is made to its owner, or not according to the minimum commodity price limit set by the seller, as this mechanism works to ensure a fair estimate of the commodity price.
eBay shopping mechanism
The process of shopping from eBay is easy and hassle-free; As it is done by following a set of simple steps that are represented by each of the following:
- Visit the eBay website.
- Click on the "Register"
- Fill in the fields a name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- The account is activated via email.
- Add payment methods, and it is recommended to link with a PayPal account; Given that it is the easiest to recover money if the purchase is canceled, and this is achieved by going to the personal account to register the address and start the shopping process, and after logging in, it will appear at the top of the screen to the side of the subscriber's name; A drop-down list that you must click on to display a menu from which to choose the account settings.
- Log in to the account, then scroll to the bottom of the page until the Link My PayPal Account option appears.
- Add a shipping address; This is done by going to Account settings, or My Account, then Addresses.
- On the site there are two methods of purchase; So that this can be done by buying a commodity offered at a fixed price, or entering into an auction to obtain it, knowing that eBay punishes anyone, and he may close his account permanently; In the event of entering an auction and not buying.
- We note that the commodities available at a fixed price are next to the phrase Buy it Now, while the items offered for auction are adjacent to the number of bidders, and the remaining time on the auction is on the right of the screen.
- After selecting the item to bid on; A box dedicated to setting the price will appear, after which the Place bid will be clicked to install the bid. If a fixed price commodity is selected; Then a procedure will appear to confirm the purchase, by clicking on the Buy It Now option.
- It allows users to pay for purchases in more than one way, such as PayPal, and Visa.
- Allows users to purchase via the bidding system; That is, the possibility to obtain goods for cheap prices.
- Provides charging feature in most countries around the world.
- It offers more than one shipping method to choose from.
- It provides users with a drop-shopping feature that helps them achieve material profits over the Internet.
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